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The Dominion Mandate

Exploring our responsibility to take dominion.

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Suspicous Packages

By J. Randall Gladden • Sunday, August 4, 2024

Messages and strategies can be compelling. Two specific areas that require wisdom and extreme caution.

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Crisis Point

By J. Randall Gladden • Wednesday, July 31, 2024

While we should always be led by the Spirit, a crisis is an opportunity not to waste. Using situations for maximum value.

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Essential Life Skill

By J. Randall Gladden • Saturday, June 1, 2024

David strengthened himself in the Lord. In a moment of great crisis, before going forward, he strengthened himself. No matter the challenge, great or small, stop and strengthen yourself in the Lord, then move forward.

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Never been this way before

By J. Randall Gladden • Sunday, May 26, 2024

Prophetically and practically, like Joshua leading the people to inherit the land, this is a time of paradigm shifts. We need new direction to flourish in this new season.