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Heirs to the Kingdom

Children expect things to be done for them. But heirs exercise the rights and responsibility of the kingdom. Principles to take dominion of all that God has made available.

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The Invitation

By J. Randall Gladden • Wednesday, September 4, 2024

How can someone rise to the top, stand out, be the exception? Everything with God begins with an invitation. Recognizing challenges as opportunities from God.

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Wrestling the Promises

By J. Randall Gladden • Sunday, September 1, 2024

When we apply faith to God's promises the results should happen quickly, right? There are times and situations where we wrestle the blessing by consistent application.

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Partners with God

By J. Randall Gladden • Sunday, August 25, 2024

In a partnership each has a role to play. To receive all that God has means that out of relationship, and by His direction we seize the benefits and blessings He intends.

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Everywhere Your Foot Treads

By J. Randall Gladden • Sunday, August 18, 2024

Wherever your foot treads is both a promise and a mandate. The expectation it is now your responsibility. And the blessing would overflow.

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Observers or Participants?

By J. Randall Gladden • Sunday, August 11, 2024

Moses knew God's ways, the people His acts. The difference was they were happy to know God at a superficial level, while Moses refused even God's blessing if He wasn't part of it.

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Becoming Heirs

By J. Randall Gladden • Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Children want someone to do it for them, but heirs understand their rights and responsibility. To inherit or receive from God is to authoritatively appropriate what has been provided.